
Monday, 23 January 2017

Ms Word Lesson 12

Spell and Grammar Check in Word

Microsoft Word provides a decent Spelling and Grammar Checker which enables you to search for and correct all spelling and grammar mistakes in your document. Word is intelligent enough to identify misspelled or misused, as well as grammar errors and underlines them as follows.

  • A red underline beneath spelling errors.
  • A green underline beneath grammar errors.
  • A blue line under correctly spelled but misused words.

Check Spelling and Grammar using Review tab:
Here is the simple procedure to find out wrong spelling mistakes and fixing them:

Step (1): Click the Review tab and then click Spelling & Grammar button.
Step (2): A Spelling and Grammar dialog box will appear and will display wrong spellings or grammar and correct suggestions as shown below:
Now you have following options to fix the spelling mistake:

Ignore: If you are willing to ignore a word then click this button and word ignores the word throughout the document.

Ignore All: Like Ignore, but ignores all occurrences of the same misspelling, not just this one.

Add to Dictionary: Choose Add to Dictionary to add the word to the Word spelling dictionary.

Change: This will change the wrong word using the suggested correct word.

Change All: Like Change, but change all occurrences of the same misspelling, not just this one.

AutoCorrect: If you select a suggestion, Word creates an AutoCorrect entry that automatically corrects this spelling error from now on.

Following are the different options in case you have grammatical mistake:

Next Sentence: You can click Next Sentence to direct the grammar checker to skip ahead to the next sentence.

Explain: The grammar checker displays a description of the rule that caused the sentence to be flagged as a possible error.

Options: This will open the Word Options dialog box to allow you to change the behaviour of the grammar checker or spelling options.

Undo: This will undo the last grammar changed.

Step (3): Select one of the given suggestions you want to use and click Change option to fix the spelling or grammar mistake and repeat the step to fix all the spelling or grammar mistake.

Step (4): Word displays a dialog box when it finishes checking for spelling and grammar mistakes, finally Click OK.

Check Spelling and Grammar using Right Click:

If you will click a right mouse button over a misspelled word then it would show you correct suggestions and above mentioned options to fix the spelling or grammar mistake. Try it yourself.

Undo and Redo the Changes in Word

Microsoft word provides two important features called Undo, which is used to undo the previous action and second one is Repeat or Redo, which is used to repeat the previous action.

For example, If you mistakenly delete text, you can use the Undo feature to recover it, similar way if delete a character and you want to delete more characters then you can use Repeat operation.

How to use Undo & Repeat operations:
You can access the Undo and Repeat buttons from the Quick Access toolbar. You should make a note that Repeat button also called Redo button and both operations have same meaning.

Here is the simple procedure to apply undo or repeat (redo) operations:

Step (1): Let us type some text in a blank document as I have typed above. Now click Repeat (Redo) button and you will see that word would repeat the same operation for you.

Step (2): Now to examine undo operation, let us delete last word operation character by character so that you have following text remaining in the line.

Step (3): Let us try to click Undo button one by one. You will see that work would recover all the deleted characters one by one after performing few undo operations.

Shortcuts to use Undo & Repeat operations:

Though you can access the Undo and Repeat commands from the Quick Access toolbar, but because these commands are the most frequently used commands, so I would recommend to memorize their keyboard shortcuts which are as follows:
Ctrl + ZUndoes the previous action.
Ctrl + YRepeats the previous action.
Note that if the previous action was Undo, Ctrl+Y redoes the undone action.

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